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Releases: retroloveletter/tempest-3do

1.3.2 Release

21 Nov 22:25
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Changes in this release

  1. Camera follows player slightly faster to avoid getting hit out of screen on wider levels when moving quickly.
  2. Added "Super Zapper" voice.
  3. Background stars increased by double.
  4. Updated level 4: Chasm was too tight on left edge of model.
  5. Updated level 9: Additional space added between left and right walls.
  6. Bug fix: Bullet / Fuseball collision required more accuracy.
  7. Bug fix: Point particles should no longer freeze on screen during level warp.
  8. Various adjustments to particles and their opacity.
  9. Title screen updates. Changed game name to R.E.A.L. Tempest.
  10. Slight optimizations and code refactoring.

$ sha256sum tempest3do.iso
9d19dde56d145c8219cfe1eee01b9460c43d57940b1c6561deffa64628b3c87d *tempest3do.iso

v1.2.1 Release

10 Nov 05:45
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You can find videos on this project here

To use the mouse, daisy chain it to the control pad. Once the game starts, you may choose between using the mouse or pad at any time.

Release notes:

  1. 3DO mouse support added.
  2. You may adjust mouse sensitivity under Options.
  3. Super Zapper added.
  4. Auto-fire added.
  5. 'A' is now Fire, 'B' uses zapper, and 'C' is Jump.
  6. Enemy explosions are slightly larger.
  7. Point explosion blending improved.
  8. Bug fix: Bullet / Flipper collision.
  9. Player can no longer fire beyond level during switch phase.
  10. Refactored device input logic.
  11. Improved asset management.
  12. Bug fix: First enemy animation frame was incorrect.
  13. Banner / Title / Option screen updates.
  14. 3D object rotation code now includes origin point.

$ sha256sum tempest3do.iso
e9e9610e7c4e34c2fbcc06769a2b7094ff221378e2f55f7e1ca5ef90916f1b1c *tempest3do.iso

v1.1.0 Release

26 Oct 22:47
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You can find videos on this project here

It is best to play on hardware (ODE or CD). The Phoenix emulator will raster particle effects closer to hardware, but gameplay doesn't feel as smooth. Opera gameplay feels closer to hardware but does not raster the 3DO MARIA particles well.

Release notes:

  1. Improved particle blending with backgrounds.
  2. Updated title screen and added options screen with game modes and music toggle.
  3. Added enemy destroyed particles.
  4. Updated splash banner.
  5. Player animation increased upon hit.
  6. Improved pseudo-randomness in game logic.
  7. Minor code refactoring.

v1.0.0 Initial release

19 Oct 06:55
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This version only supports NTSC. Included is a small manual which covers all enemies and basic rules.

There are 99 levels. Levels repeat every 20. Levels get progressively more difficult as new enemy types spawn.

This project is not affiliated with Atari, inc. No official graphics were used. All graphics were created from scratch for this project.

The MARIA effect (exploding points) do not raster well using Opera. It is best to play on real hardware using an ODE or CD.

Download zip to access manual and iso.